The custom question can only go to 12 choices but there is a way to select all choices by nesting the choices into another custom question.
For example, if your choices are a list of streets if these are divided by a district or ward you can nest questions depending on the district the neighborhood is in.
On the first question you ask what ward the applicant resides in. You can even add a link in the help text if the applicant doesn’t know what ward they are in.
Then you create a nested question for each choice listing the street or neighborhood in that ward. In each of these additional questions you would add the answer of the ward the applicant selected (see below)
Now when the applicant chooses the first question another question the second question will pop up with the choices based on the answer of the first question.
Another way we can use this process if the streets are not divided into certain wards or districts we can use nesting of several custom questions using "more" as a jump to the next set of neighborhoods.
For example, the first question asked the question and you label the first 11 possible answers and put "more" under the 12th answer.
Then you create a 2nd custom question and you set it up so the question is required if the more option is chosen and then you place the next 11 answers and leave the 12th to put more in again.
You keep doing this until you have all the possible neighborhoods listed.
This process can sometimes be confusing to work out. If you need further assistance please open a ticket.
Tickets can be submitted via email at (please add to your contacts) and we can further assist.