Creating Meetings and Taking Attendance
You can set up meetings for each board and have other users take attendance for those meetings. First you will go to the board and click on Edit -> Manage Meetings
Then you will want to schedule your meetings. You can make the meetings occur one time or make it recurring. You can set up recurring meetings any way you wish for any length of time.
Once submitted you can see the meetings that are scheduled. You can also edit the date, time and meeting length of any of the meetings individually. You can also click on Manage Meetings and download an .ical file for you or others to enter into your calendars.
Once the meeting occurs click on Edit attendance for the meeting(s) by providing a status of each seat on the board. (status names can be changed or added under Settings -> Attendance Statuses). You can also add Notes to each seat member if you need to. You can always go back and change a status if needed.
If you would like to have a member take attendance you can set them up under Manage Users and only grant them permissions to create and/or take attendance and restrict them to any certain board(s) you want to provide access to.
These users can also take attendance and take notes on their mobile phones and go to
You can run reports under Attendance Reports and reconfigure the data any way you want. You can also export the data to a .csv file.