I need to change the term lengths for a Board

I need to change the term lengths for a Board

I need to change the term lengths for a Board, the first year 3 were set to have 1 year terms, and the others set for 2 year terms.  When they renewed according to the Ordinance it will be 2 years going forward. How can I get the seats changed.


Also, I have a board that is still the same people, but different lengths, they needed less to make a quorum for meetings.  Without losing any history for the Board, what do I have to do to make this Board Correct?

You can change the term length of a seat as long as you are not changing the type of term (Regular Interval 
vs. Nth day of month). 

The first thing you need to do is to make sure that seat is vacant. If you just filled that seat with the person that will now be a 2 year term you need to delete the latest appointment. 

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Now that the seat is vacated you can change the term of the seat. On the dropdown of the seat choose Edit Seat.

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Now in the update seat page you are going to "unlock" the term by clicking on the red lock and then change the term seed date to the date the new term length and then update the number to 2 years and then click on Submit. 

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The term will now show that the calculated term is 2 years and you can go ahead and fill that seat with the current appointment.